miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

"Time to give up"

It´s time to give up! 
Yes, that´s right. You´ve read it and I mean it.
We, as a team, have been through a lot of emotions, struggles and have pushed hard to keep going on this journey to have Manny´s transplant done.
Most of us, including Manny, are at the point of exhaustion for all that has happened, good and not so good. Believe it or not, miracles can leave you drained!
We´ve waited, prayed, asked for help so things keep moving –sometimes slow and some others amazingly fast. We´ve followed God´s pace, seen our faith tested and, sometimes, have found it hard to trust His time.
However, I want to announce you that it´s our time to give up and it might be your turn to do the same.
Just to start, we have already given up on the idea that we´re in control so we´ve left plenty of room for God to keep full control of the situation.
We have given up thinking we can do this on our own, so we´ve prayed and asked for help to every single person that knows any of us. Without the help of all of you, it´s just too hard.
We have given up family time, resources, hopes and expectation and, now, we want you to do the same. 
Yes, we want to you give up on some of your family time and join us in prayer. We want you to give up your personal hopes and expectations about when this should happen. And ALSO, please, give up on that thing you had been longing to buy or that extra money you planned to spend so you can support us to be able to pay for all the expenses that we´ll need to pay pretty soon.
Would you give up on all those things to be part of God´s plan? Would you?

Hope you do soon!

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