martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


During a school play, I heard a young boy who played the Devil saying: “To understand the other´s suffering, all you need is a little bit of imagination”.
So, that night, I closed my eyes and IMAGINED:
I IMAGINED that I had spent months with unbearable joint pain and fatigue on my whole body. That constant cramps, reminded me that little by little, my body was dying poisoned and that my kidneys, pretty soon, would stop functioning forever.
I IMAGINED that hunger had woken me up and I struggled deciding between, to go for food or use the left energy I had to keep myself alive.
I IMAGINED hearing the house´s emptiness echoes reminding me that, for my children´s good, I had to send the away so they could receive the provision I could not give them.

I IMAGINED that I dreamed with my kids´ laughter when we could still play and have fun together at the swimming pool; just to wake up knowing it was time to spend a long day plugged to the dialysis machine to keep myself alive.
I IMAGINED that, one day, God started answering my prayers and I saw people going on my help; some making the weirdest plans or sending out thousands of mails asking for help to have a transplant done to me.
I IMAGINED that my heart was overflowing of gratitude to people that responded to my cry and, also, cried as I saw some others ignoring it because they thought, mine was a distant cause and had to do nothing with their life.

I opened my eyes and found an unexpected reality. The blessings surrounding me were glowing in a way I never saw before, and I thank them from the bottom of my soul. But also, others´ needs changed their color and now had a human shape with faces, tears and voice.

Then I remembered God´s words saying: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. . .” and I knew there was no way back.

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